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Conference Overview

The eighth of a series of conferences devoted to endorsing and promoting scientific and technical activities based on nuclear instrumentation and measurements.

Nuclear instrumentation and measurement methods

in nuclear environments are key aspects that contribute to the quality of scientific programmes in the fields of physics, energy, the fuel cycle and waste management. Furthermore, measurements relying on nuclear physics now play an important role in various fields of application such as biology, medicine and the environment.

The ANIMMA conference aims

at uniting, consolidating and organizing an international network of scientific researchers and experts from industry, research institutes, universities dealing with nuclear instrumentation and measurement methodology activities (R&D, Innovation and applications).

ANIMMA is the eighth of a series of conferences devoted

to endorsing and promoting scientific and technical activities based on nuclear instrumentation and measurements.

About ANIMMA 2023

The eighth of a series of conferences devoted to endorsing and promoting scientific and technical activities based on nuclear instrumentation and measurements.

Long tradition of research, development and teaching in solid state dosimetry and nuclear electronics.

The conference field deals with instrumentation and measurement for:

  • Fundamental Physics
  • Space Sciences and Technology
  • Fusion Diagnostics and Technology
  • Research Reactors and Particle Accelerators
  • Nuclear Power Reactors and Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  • Nuclear Safeguards, Homeland Security and CBRN
  • Decommissioning, Dismantling and Remote Handling
  • Severe Accident Monitoring
  • Environmental and Medical Sciences
  • Current Trends in Development of Radiation Detectors
  • Education, Training and Outreach
Scientific Application Fields
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