
CBRN-P3 Cluster: Prepare, Prevent, Protect from CBRN Risks – Italy
Technological, industrial and institutional cluster for the preparation, prevention and protection of the population and the environment from CBRN risks – Cluster CBRN-P3. In 2017 a meeting among the relevant stakeholders represented the starting point for cooperation which, following the European example, led to the creation of the CBRN-P3 Cluster, with the aim of gathering the available expertise, skills, and know-how in this field.

Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Ricerca TEcnologica Nucleare – Italy (CIRTEN)
Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Ricerca TEcnologica Nucleare, alias “Intra-University Consortium for Nuclear Technology Research” ) is the Consortium of the Italian Universities involved in nuclear science and technology research activities, and where educational programmes (MSc, PhD) on nuclear engineering are offered to the young generations.

City of Lucca – Italy
The Lucca Area boasts a landscape that’s been shaped by the bends of the Serchio River and dotted with medieval towns. The heart of this elegant territory is Lucca, famous for its perfectly-preserved defense walls and for its “100 churches”. The city is also the birthplace of numerous world-class composers, including Giacomo Puccini, Alfredo Catalani, and Luigi Boccherini. Click here to visit the official website of the city.

National Research Council – Italy (CNR)
The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy, under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. Founded in 1923, CNR mission is to promote the internationalisation of the national research system, providing innovative and competitive technologies and solutions to Government, emerging public and private bodies.

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development – Italy (ENEA)
ENEA is the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, a public body aimed at research, technological innovation and the provision of advanced services to enterprises, public administration and citizens in the sectors of energy, the environment and sustainable economic development.

European Nuclear Education Network – Belgium (ENEN)
The European Nuclear Education Network, (ENEN) is an international nonprofit organization (aisbl) established under the Belgian law. The main purpose of the ENEN Association is the preservation and the further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training in Europe.

European Physical Society (EPS)
The European Physical Society (EPS) is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to promote physics and physicists in Europe through methods such as physics outreach. Formally established in 1968, its membership includes the national physical societies of 42 countries, and some 3200 individual members. One of its main activities is organizing international conferences.

FuseNet — The European Fusion Education Network
FuseNet is the European Fusion Education Network. Putting fusion on the electrical grid is a huge challenge, and requires bright and ambitious people from all over Europe. The FuseNet Association has acknowledged this fact ever since its conception in 2007. The programme initially launched under the flag of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and became an independent association from 2010 onwards.

International Institute of Nuclear Energy – France (I2EN)
The International Institute of Nuclear Energy (I2EN) is an umbrella organization that brings together French stakeholders involved in nuclear education and training. Today, the I2EN has 52 members: 14 partners (government ministries and agencies, industry, and research) and 38 associate members (academia, and E&T associations). The I2EN was created in 2010 and officially inaugurated in June 2011.

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – Italy (INFN)
The Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN; “National Institute for Nuclear Physics”) is the coordinating institution for nuclear, particle, theoretical and astroparticle physics in Italy.
INFN was founded in 1951, to further the nuclear physics research tradition initiated by Enrico Fermi in Rome, in the 1930s. The INFN collaborates with CERN, Fermilab and various other laboratories in the world. The INFN has Sezioni (Divisions) in most major Italian universities and four national laboratories.
Italian Physical Society – Italy (SIF)
The Italian Physical Society (SIF – Società Italiana di Fisica), founded in 1897 is a non-profit association with the aim to promote, favour and protect the progress of Physics in Italy and worldwide. It is associated with the journal series Nuovo Cimento. SIF also publishes the academic journals Quaderni di Storia della Fisica and Giornale di Fisica. Some of the Nuovo Cimento journals were merged with European Physical Journal in 1986 and with Europhysics Letters in 1999.

Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear – Portugal (IPFN)
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IPFN, Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion) is a research unit of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) with the status of Associated Laboratory granted by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. IPFN ensures the Portuguese participation in EUROFusion, the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy.

Institut Sciences de la Fusion et de l’Instrumentation en Environnements Nucléaires – France (ISFI)
The Institute for Science of Fusion and Instrumentation in Nuclear Environments (ISFIN) stimulates training and research in the fields of fusion science, nuclear instrumentation and the mechanical characterization of materials and structures for the fission and fusion with an interdisciplinary approach including societal.

Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon – Portugal (IST)
Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) is the largest and most prestigious university in Portugal and is one of Europe’s leading universities. Heir to a university tradition that spans over seven centuries, ULisboa acquired its current status in July 2013, following the merger of the former Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and Universidade de Lisboa.

Limmex, Laboratory for Instrumentation and Measurements in Extreme Environments – France
The LIMMEX, Laboratory for Instrumentation and Measurements in Extreme Environments, is a laboratory without a common wall which was created in May 2010 by Aix-Marseille University and the CEA (Nuclear Energy Department). Since May 2018, it involves three AMU partners, the CEA and the CNRS (INP).

Nucleco – Italy
Nucleco is the Sogin Group company leader in Italy in the field of radiological services, in the management of radioactive waste and in the decontamination and remediation of nuclear plants and industrial sites. Nucleco boasts unique knowledge about the sector in which it operates, with particular expertise in radiological characterization, in the planning and execution of decontamination and decommissioning processes and in the development and implementation of environmental remediation.

University of Rome Tor Vergata / Master CBRN – Italy
The CBRN Master Courses offered by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, is today a leading education and training program in the field of CBRN risk management. Established in 2008, the courses were developed in response to the increasing threat of CBRN incidents and terrorism. The courses, offered through the University Departments of Biomedicine, Prevention and Industrial Engineering, cover a wide range of topics and reflect new technologies and emerging threats.

Universitad de Sivilla – Spain
The University of Seville, founded in 1551, is one of the leading institutions of Spain’s higher education system. Its Schools of Philology, Geography and History, Philosophy, Biology and Engineering and its many schools and technological institutes serve the educational needs of some 70,000 students.Located in the downtown area, the University’s main building is bordered by the Maria Luisa Park and the Guadalquivir River.
PROMO PA – Italy
Promo PA is an Italian private Foundation based in Lucca founded in 2003. Promo PA promotes and encourages the modernising process of Public Administration trough high specialised research, training course, seminars and conferences and develop projects related to (Strategic programming and control Measurement of the public policies impact, Governance and e-government, marketing and tourism).