Conference Topics
The conference field deals with instrumentation and measurement for:
- Fundamental Physics
- Space Sciences and Technology
- Fusion Diagnostics and Technology
- Research Reactors and Particle Accelerators
- Nuclear Power Reactors and Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Nuclear Safeguards, Homeland Security and CBRN
- Decommissioning, Dismantling and Remote Handling
- Severe Accident Monitoring
- Environmental and Medical Sciences
- Current Trends in Development of Radiation Detectors
- Education, Training and Outreach
Scientific Application Fields
Fundamental Physics
- Nuclear and particle physics
- Advanced electronics for radiation detection and radiation effects mitigation
- Innovative data analysis methodologies
- Simulation and modelling

Space Sciences and Technology
- Electronics and sensors vulnerability
- Very low power and mass sensors
- Miniaturization design techniques
- Onboard control and data processing units
- Robust and hardened architectures
Fusion Diagnostics and Technology
- Burning plasma diagnostics
- Radiation hardened detectors and electronics
- Experimental techniques for high-T plasmas
- High-availability electronics for DAQ and control

Research Reactors and Particle Accelerators
- Calibration and tests of mock-up sensors under laboratory conditions (thermal- hydraulic, mechanical, thermal studies)
- Radiation detection
- In-pile measurements of physical parameters including temperature, dimensions, gas release
- Accelerator beam diagnostics and characterization
- Material testing reactors
- Safety experiments
- Accelerator beam position monitors
- Beam loss/beam profile measurement
- Optical diagnostics
- Collision rate measurement
Nuclear Power Reactors and Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Nuclear power plants (GEN2, GEN3, GEN3+)
- GEN IV reactors (SFR, LFR, VHTR, GFR,…)
- Advanced modular reactors (AMR) & small modular reactors (SMR)
- Simulation and modelling
- Radioactive wastes management
- Nuclear material and spent fuel
- Nuclear fuel cycle facilities
- Dismantling operations
- Safeguards
- Reprocessing plants
- Nuclear material control and characterization
- Nuclear fuel control and management

Nuclear Safeguards, Homeland Security and CBRN
- Illicit trafficking
- First responder prompt nuclear measurements intervention
- Customs border inspections and access controls of radiological elements in transit
- Radiological threats detection and identification
- High efficiency neutron measurements
- Active and Passive interrogation techniques (X, gamma and neutrons)
Decommissioning, Dismantling and Remote Handling
- Materials and radioactive wastes management
- Techniques and process improvements, radiological characterization, waste treatment, decontamination
- Remote handling

Severe Accident Monitoring
- High temperature and pressure measurements
- Radiation measurement in harsh media
- Electronics hardening
- Wireless and remote robotic measurements
- Simulation and modelling
Environmental and Medical Sciences
- Advancements in mass spectrometry measurements
- Application of radioactive tracers
- Radiography, imagery, tomography
- Methods in extreme conditions

Current trends in development Radiation Detectors
- Current trends in scintillator detectors and materials
- State-of-the-art radiation detectors for medical imaging
- Engineering of scintillation materials and radiation technologies
- Progress in the development of semiconductor radiation detectors
Education, Training and Outreach
- Experimental sciences
- Basics in instrumentation and measurement sciences and technologies
- Measurement methods and their applications
- PhD. and summer schools, refresh courses
- Communicating nuclear to the public