Opening Ceremony, Real Collegio Lucca
![opening ceremnony](
Lucca, Tuesday June 13th, 2023
9.20-12.40 (CEST)
Enrico Fermi Auditorium (room 1)
Part 1:
Chaired by:
Abdallah LYOUSSI (France), Lorenzina LAERA (Italy), Massimo MORICHI (Italy), Francesco D’ERRICO (Italy) and Rastislav HODAK (Czech Republic)
- 9.20-9.30 : City of Lucca official representative
- 9.30-9.45 : Welcome and general introduction: Prof. Dr. Abdallah LYOUSSI, France
- 9.45-10.00 : Welcome and general introduction: Prof. Dr. Massimo MORICHI, Italy and Prof. Francesco D’ERRICO, Italy
- 10.00-10.10 : Director of ENEA Dep. of Nuclear Energy, Dr. Eng. Alessandro DODARO, Italy
- 10.10-10.20 : Director of CEA/DES IRESNE Institute, Dr. Jean Michel RUGGIERI, France
- 10.20-10.30 : Vice-President of AMU-A*MIDEX Foundation, Prof. Denis BERTIN, France
- 10.30-10.40 : Director of SCK.CEN Innovative Nuclear Systems, Dr. Marc SCHYNS, Belgium
- 10.40-10.50 : IEEE/NPSS representative, Dr. Gian-Franco DALLA BETTA, Italy
- 10.50-11.00 : Local organization by Dr. Lorenzina LAERA, Italy
- 11.00-11.20 : Coffee break
Part 2:
Chaired by:
Stanislav POSPÍŠIL (IEAP, Czech Republic), Michel CARETTE (AMU, France) and Abdallah LYOUSSI (CEA, France)
- 11.20-11.45 : Keynote 1 : Prof. Rita BERNABEI, INFN, Italy
- 11.45-12.10 : Keynote 2 : Prof. Taiga YAMAYA, QST, Japan
- 12.10-12.35 : Keynote 3 : Dr. Massimo APARO, IAEA, Austria
- 12.40-14.00 : Lunch